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New Charter For Health Care Workers – Pontifical Council for Pastoral

SKU: 9789386516831 Category:


100 in stock


The New Charter for Health Care Workers is a revision and updating of the earlier 1995 edition produced by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers. The work is divided into three major sections: “Procreating,” “Living,” and “Dying,” each of which lays out authoritative teachings in medical ethics grounded in the traditional resources of the Church. There are extensive citations to magisterial documents. The book will be of service to all who are working in healthcare, especially those in Catholic facilities or who are attending to Catholic patients. The text has been faithfully translated from the Italian by The National Catholic Bioethics Center and is the official Vatican text in English.​

Additional information

Weight 0.200 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14 × 0.5 cm


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