The author has made a valuable contribution in this book by systematically presenting the lsquo;living Christologies rsquo; found in the continents such as Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia, especially amidst the oppressed, deprived and marginalised people who are discriminated by colour, race, caste, class, gender, culture, religion, region and language. He brings out the characteristics of lsquo;living Christologies rsquo;, prominent among them being: experiential, liberative, contextual, collective, communitarian, synodal, dialogical, plural, inclusive, inter-cultural and transformative.
This book portrays Christological discourses in the light of contemporary contextual Christologies across continents. It draws inspiration from Jon Sobrino`s critique of European Christology`s inadequacy in Latin America and it explores various regional approaches. It discusses Africa`s effort to create a Christology that affirms black identity, Latin America`s focus on liberation theology addressing systemic sin, and Asia`s pursuit of an inclusive Christology through the Federation of Asian Bishops rsquo; Conferences.
This unique book aims to deepen our understanding of Christ`s message for the oppressed and vulnerable worldwide. This book is not only for the libraries and research works, but also for personal and communitarian transformation.
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