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Tracing the Vanished Rivers

Fr. Dr.Elmar Mitterstieler S.J

SKU: 9788170867227 Category:


5 in stock


The author leads the reader into a world of unfathomable spiritual riches through this book. All spiritual guides and directors will gain inspiration, knowledge and wisdom to promote life among those who often live in darkness, who are helpless and who have lost interest and direction in their lives. Further, he shows definite ways of how to accompany people of different kinds and to help them to find life and freedom from what blocks their real selves. This book is worth reading and valuable to all those who seek to know themselves, who search and long for God and who want to support others who are after a similar search.

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 0.5 cm


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